Solving the UK skills gap: Introducing the new professional apprentice

To improve the UK’s poor productivity record, the government is urging employers to develop new apprenticeship standards. These apprenticeship standards will apply to a variety of industries including law, technology and management. When you think of an apprenticeship you may well presume it applies to manual jobs only, as this has been the most generic…read more

The qualities you need to impress your boss

Try to understand the expectations your boss has and the goals you are trying to accomplish. All bosses are different and have their quirks and idiosyncrasies If you are ambitious and want to make your mark in the workplace, it always helps to make a great impression on the person in charge – the person…read more

Older people are open to work experience

Alistair McQueen, who runs savings and retirement at Aviva, apparently thinks that an extended working life should be supported and celebrated. McQueen thinks we should ditch our old-fashioned belief that you should learn things when young There can be few HR departments or recruitment consultancies in which the regular Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)…read more

You need to know these signs that you are overworking

Stress is often referred to as the silent killer, mainly because the symptoms creep up on you without you realising How often do you take a meaningful break at work? We all experience periods of time in our personal and professional lives that are busier than others -perhaps a series of key deadlines at work,…read more

Let Your CV do the Talking!

1. Fudging the format It’s a cliché so yawnsome I can hardly bring myself to write it, but first impressions count – and they count as much for your CV as for your face. In an ideal world, employers would have the time to carefully read through and consider every single CV they receive –…read more

How to Write Job Descriptions to Attract Millennials

In 2015, the Millennials surpassed Generation X to  become the largest generation in the workforce. That doesn’t come as a surprise. We always knew that the Generation X would be replaced with a new, more vibrant flow of workers. The question is: are businesses truly prepared for this new trend? How exactly do you attract…read more

Health & Wellbeing

More than one in three UK employees say they are working with anxiety, depression or stress, according to research. The study by consultancy PwC has suggested that 34% of the UK workforce may have a health and wellbeing issue, with the most common being anxiety, depression and stress. The survey of 2,000 workers across the…read more