When thinking about the employer/employee relationship, it’s important for both to feel valued in the workplace if you want a motivated team, but how do you achieve this?
Rewards, benefits and incentives
Some workplaces will penalise staff for several issues while failing to offer rewards for a job well done. This is important because your team needs to feel valued. Employees tend to respond better to reward than punishment. Knowing they’re valued for their hard work can have a positive effect and increase motivation.
Benefits and incentives are more than just the required amount of paid holiday time, or even free gym membership, which is nice but expensive for a smaller employer to offer all their staff.
You could offer an extra paid day or half-day off for completing a project on time or making more sales than the target amount. This is a great way of showing your staff they are valued and increasing motivation.
On a smaller scale, a reward of a £10 voucher or free lunch for the individual or team members who go beyond a particular target, or whose work is judged to be the best of the week or month, can also motivate your team to work harder. Some employees may even feel inspired by the extra challenge.
Team culture in the workplace
Similarly to above, when you encourage your team to work together to achieve a goal, in return for a reward, this creates morale in the workplace. It also brings out the best in each team member. They rely on each other’s strongest skills to get the job done. Alone, they might struggle on certain elements. As well as motivating them, you’re helping to allow each person to achieve their full potential.
Autonomy and accountability
Independence is important in the workplace too. Sometimes a task only needs one person, but motivation can a struggle is one of your team is afraid of the consequences of failing. So it should be made clear from the start that although they are working alone, they have a team around them and you are also available to offer support, should they need it. Struggling alone without seeking help can lead to more mistakes and misunderstandings if they’re unsure about something.
Flexible working conditions
Offering time off for appointments, family problems or personal issue, and catching up on the missed hours later, can also motivate your team. If other issues are on their mind, they’ll be lacking in concentration. If you allow them the freedom of flexitime, they will be more likely to be more productive when they are there.
Support your team and they will support you.