If you’ve always been used to a company setting working from home can be hard to handle. Any problems you now face with work might not be as easily solvable compared to having a colleague next to you. And if you struggle to stay motivated, the prospect of completing the work on your schedule can also be stressful. But, there is help available to make the time you spend both productive and positive. Take a look below at our top five tips to help.
1. Keep a journal
Planning your day should be the number one priority. It might be tempting to stay in bed all morning and work when you feel like it. But, the chances are, the work won’t be finished on time. Staying indoors for any length of time can be mentally tiring. Using a simple tool like a diary can help you stay organised and work through your essential tasks. Aim to complete so many jobs a day and include a set time to complete each task. Don’t forget to have adequate breaks throughout the day too. The break could be in the form of a walk outside or watching tv.
2. Try new ways to work
Having time away from other employees can give you the chance to discover what inspires you in life. New exciting ways to approach your work without feeling the pressure of an employer watching your every move can also be found. You can listen to your favourite music in the background, or take short breaks to do some exercises, boost your energy and help you to work more productively.
3. Take up new hobbies after working hours
Have you always wanted to spend more time in your garden? Or maybe you want to learn how to code. Now that you don’t have to spend time commuting you can use this extra time to catch up on hobbies and interests. There are lots of resources online, which are free to learn. You could also take the time to brush up on your CV and include these new hobbies. You never know when the newly acquired skills will come in handy, especially if you’re searching for jobs.
4. Stay in touch with colleagues
Even though you aren’t with colleagues, still stay in regular contact. Let your employer know when you’ve completed a project. Also, make sure that they are ok and let them know you’re available if they need someone to talk to. Being a supportive employee can do wonders for showing how caring and passionate you are in your job.
5. See the result
We all want to stay healthy. See working from home as a positive experience that helps to keep you and your family safe. If you would usually talk to your friends or loved ones face to face, have a FaceTime call or use WhatsApp to video call.
Working from home doesn’t have to be a nightmare. So, whether you’ve only recently started working from home, or you’re struggling to cope, give these five simple tips a try.
Stay Home, Stay Safe